Thursday, March 24, 2011

Went to a going-away party for one of the girls in the Danish team today....she's going to the states to work in Mountain view..where the stars themselves are based---which stars?..HEllooOo..LArry Page and Sergey Brin, of course! =P...

I don't know whether it was because I was tired or what not...but at one point - in an attempt to mingle and try to get to know new people - I was talking to a guy and I totally zoned out.....he was talking and talking and talking.....and talking and talking..and then he talked some more...and then it hit me..HOLY-MACARONY......this must be how guys feel like when they talk to girls who just won't shut up!!...just that,in this case, I was the GUY !. ...Sure I asked a question or two to keep the conversation going.., but I didn't expect him to never stop talking! =s....... maybe he just didn't feel comfortable with silence, maybe that's why he kept on talking...lesson to learn, girls,.....we need to learn when to shut up...cause that experience was seriously exhausting....and need to learn how to NOT keep the conversation going just to avoid the silence...if you ask the questions, you're asking for it (trouble)...and when people ask questions (applies to most social-gathering-situations) they only ask to be polite...they don't really care about the answer, so don't give the the whole story from A-Z..=P

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