Thursday, October 6, 2011

A Written Kodak Moment

I'm one of those people who believe that certain things are meant to be. I believe in destiny, but I believe in the kind of destiny that you are - to a great extent - in control of, and not the kind that you have no control over... It's weird how things just seem to have fallen into place. How your thoughts turn into something actionable, or something that comes true. Exciting times, ya'll =)

 The greatest thing about working for a company like Google is this feeling right here..the excitement about the future. I'm excited about tomorrow, about the things I'm going to do, and the consequences/result of my work (not necessarily Google-work;-)) . Thoughts and ideas are continuously running through my head, and I'm trying to catch up with myself by writing it all down (not in this blog=P but, in the notebooks that I love so much...if you don't know, I have a small fetish for notebooks and pens..:-/) . Life is pretty great from where I stand, and I definitely hope I can spread this feeling in one way or another...soon, if not now ;-)

I'm slowly killing Michael Bublé's song "Feeling Good" by replaying it over, and over, and over again...but, this is the feeling I've been having pretty much everyday lately...what a great way to wake up. Waking up, playing this song, and truly feeling and agreeing with the lyrics..ah,,if only Kodak could catch this moment.....but, I guess words will have to do for now.. I can't play this song loud enough...maybe because I only have a laptop to play it on=P

I've had the time to reflect on a lot lately. And, man, how good it feels to have failed in the areas I have, in order to succeed in the areas that I have..How fun it has been to be the underdog ;-)'s all slowly falling into place, and it hasn't even started yet..this is just the beginning..the beginning of other big failures, and hopefully other- even greater- successes. Every step counts, big or small.

At times, I've envied those who are completely content and satisfied with life just the way it is,,,those who don't need or want more..who are happy in the place that they are, and have no need to strive more to reach anything, because they feel that they have reached it already, and hence are perfectly happy where they are. It's tiring to never be satisfied... To always want more out of yourself, and of course of others...but, on the other hand..I've never understood people who don't feel the need to do more, because they've supposedly done everything they wanted, and reached all the goals they've set (or maybe even didn't have/set for themselves)...but, unless you're 100 years old, and dying..I see no reason to stop.

I may have to eat my own words in 30 years from now, who knows...but, I truly hope I never reach the point where I just sit on the couch in front of my huge-ass TV, satisfied with myself because I have all the best things the material world has to offer...and stop striving. I really hope I can do better than that...the fact that I'm writing this and posting it to the public will decrease the chance of that happening..or at least that's what psychology studies, and statistics have shown..

until next time, ya'll =)

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