Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Pure Genius...

Whoever thought of making Google's business culture the way it is, is a freakn genius...hire people from around the world, bring them to a country where they don't know anyone- except from their colleagues, of course- and make the work environment/facilities so great that it's pretty much like being at home..or even better..feed the employees from morning 'til evening, and give them all the snacks in the world...all for free- of course....give them some incentives, but most important- the freedom to plan their day, and how to work,,,,,the result? --People actually hang out at work much longer than the normal work-hours.. your colleagues are your friends, and your friends are your colleagues,,,you workout-buddy, study-buddy, party-buddy...they're all your's hard - unless you truly make an effort- to really get to know someone that doesn't happen to be your colleague as's a bubble...and most people don't mind staying/being in this bubble. When your employees would rather stay longer at work than go home,,that's when you know that you've done it: created the perfect business culture (or at least close to perfect...cause there's always room for improvement, right?)......

Everything I read during my masters..all the articles and books that talked about corporate culture,,,the affect and effect of an employer's trust towards employees...the balance between autonomy and goal setting....this right here, you guys, is theory put into praxis...and- contrary to most situations where things are "good in theory, but bad/impossible in praxis (like communism)" - this right here,,is working perfectly well...=)

..although work is fun. it still doesn't mean that we don't get tired once in a while...and just need to put things away....

*after dinner my colleague and I went back to the office to get our stuff, and we saw're assuming that someone had a long day? (lol)*

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