Monday, May 21, 2012


I'm looking forward to go home...although I don't really feel like a have a proper home in Singapore yet. Crossing my fingers that the money will be transferred to the landlord by the time I'm back in Singapore on Wednesday night, and that I can settle in soon. Although it's been nice to be able to go to Manila,,I gotta say, I haven't been able to see much other than what I get to see in between the cab rides from the hotel to the destination where the meetings are.

This evening we had drinks with an agency, and all I could think about was a shower and a nice and fluffy pillow to rest my head on. It's been such a long day....there's so much to say, I don't even know where to start. But, the emerging markets is definitely interesting to work with. The issues that come up, the manner of doing business...the need for a relationship..and the fact that they actually hand out their business card with two's like taken out of a text book about international business.

Every where I've gone, I've been recognized as "a local". People keep speaking Tagalog to me here, and then look at me while waiting for a reply...maybe it's the bit of the tan I got from our weekend in Borocay. While the other girls were hiding from the heat and sun, I was out grilling my pale-yellow-ish body, desperately trying to get what I perceive to be a "healthy glow"....they'll be no "healthy white" here people, lol =P

Tired. Another day of attending meetings with the other guys tomorrow. Less intense than today,,or at least that's how the schedule looks for now; )

Some pics from Borocay

Green belt 4, Makati - Manila 

Nite party people!

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