Wednesday, March 9, 2011


What I did today,,,is gonna haunt me for as long as Im here...they (my fellow, nooglers) are never gonna let this go..:-s lol...most of us haven't really started to work yet,,I mean, we're still in training, and we're pretty much gonna be "nooglers" for at least 6 months.....there's a lot of stuff to go through, and today I did the of the quick tests that we have to take- in order to get access to certain systems- had 4 - I REPEAT...4 questions...and it was a multiple choice test.. you "only" get 2 have to pass it with 100% in order get access to the system...a system that I need access to to continue and advance in this training process...the worst part is that if you fail the test once (which, in my case I did :-s) then they show you the right and wrong answers.....(remember, guys, there were only FOUR QUESTIONS...and friggin' MULTIPLE CHOICE)......give me some applause, y'all..cause, I..managed to fail------- TWICE!!!...HAHAhaha! =P....I've gotten some good ab-workout today having laughed so I got hired, I DONT KNOW..but I did the impossible, I failed a 4-question-multiple-choice-test..HAHAHAHA..! yah, happy-women's day to me..I've certainly excelled beyond means today =P

There's so much to learn everyday, and it can be overwhelming...when I looked through the contract (before I came over here) I was worried when I saw the work-hours, because it was a bit more than I was used to in Norway..but time really flies, and I guess the best part is that I don't mind being at doesn't feel entirely like work yet...feels like school...feels like I'm being paid to learn =)... I'm looking forward to put theory into praxis, though..;-) I've gotten used to the fun things they offer around the buildings, but there's one thing that always exceeds expectations...the FOOD. We're not being served fast-food, or stuff that's been in the freezer for ages...its the good stuff: steak, duck, different vegetables, sea-food,,,,delicious desserts....and all kinds of ice-creams..I haven't touched the Ben & Jerry's selections yet, though...I'm saving that for when my boyfriend comes over to visit ;-) --- love the fact that they categorize the food into different colors according to how healthy or unhealthy it is.......

Onto something is international women's day. Does it make me a negative person if I don't like the idea behind the day? wouldn't suck if there was an international men's day as well..but I don't like the idea of having to have a day for women..I think there are better ways of bringing awareness to political, social and economic inequality between genders...come to think about it...doesn't it just increase inequality even more if we celebrate a day ONLY for women..just because women were once in a much weaker position than we are today? (and still are in many countries).....I feel like the day emphasizes women as the weaker sex (which I agree that we are in terms of physique- and to the feminists out there who cringe when reading this: WE ARE weaker in terms of physique...ITs a FACT..they HAve Much more muscles than we have, which is why they can eat like pigs and not gain weight, but we do..=P)....I'm not saying that there shouldn't be a day like this...I'm just saying that there should also be an international men's day. And that's all I've got to say =p

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