Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Almost done with training...at least for now. A lot of information to take in..truly a crash course in how the internet-world works...

My brother and sister were here for the weekend and they literally spent all day shopping. It was a marathon from morning -when the stores opened - until 6-7 pm when the stores closed....the night they came to Dublin I took them around the office/buildings...when I told them that the buidlings were open for us 24/7 my sister questioned the need to keep it open...*who in the world would be at work so late---right?*....turns out...there are a good number of people...by the time we hit the 6th floor of the engineer-building (at 2 AM !) , we'd already seen a bunch of engineer dudes on every floor...some playing tetris,,,others just hanging out there it seemed..very stereotypical...the engineers are somethin' else..one of a kind, I tell'ya..

I keep on forgetting how corky my sister can be..we were watching a TV-show, and a french guy said (about his relationship with his fiance): "it's just happiness..she is just,,,happiness"....he's french, so he didn't pronounce the "H" and happiness turned into "appiness"..and my sister said: "What,,,?? A PENIS?!!" ....yeah...my sister in a nutshell..lol..why a guy would say that his relationship is just a penis,..or call his fiance a penis,..beats me...you gotta ask my sister for the logic behind that one=P

As for the apartment, I can almost say it's mine. Now it's just down to the paperwork..the monthly rent has been set...100€ less than what I pay now, a bit smaller, but equivalent to the scandinavian standard..now I just need to find someone to take over my current apartment so that I don't need to forfeit my deposit..:-s ...

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