Tuesday, March 8, 2011

I moved into the apartment a couple of days ago, and I have a luxury problem..it's too hot in the apartment, and I don't understand how I can adjust the heat (gas heating)..Ive pretty much pushed all the buttons that I can push, but it still heats up like crazy,,,so I wander around in the apartment in shorts..other than that, Im looking for someone to take over the apartment so that I can get my deposit back,,its at ground level, and close to the traffic..I've always said that I don't mind noise, but maybe that's because I've only lived in quiet areas...or maybe I'm getting old :-S .....

I have no plans on cooking that much (or at all), yet I still want an apartment with a nice and Fresh-lookin' kitchen...two days ago I looked at the refrigerator and thought: "hey, I don't have anything in there" (no exaggeration, I really have NOTHING in there) so I pulled out the plug (electricity)..no reason for why I should waste electricity on an empty fridge, right? During the weekdays I eat breakfast, lunch and dinner at work...thank God ...or google...for free food, cause I would'nt be able to have a balanced diet otherwise...during the weekends I eat out, or buy takout...:-

When I come too late for breakfast I try to grab sometime healthy from the mini kitchens...so far, not too many chocolate bars have been grabbed....

I swear, the kitchen is dangerous..dangerously filled with calorie-bombs...:-s

Weekend food... =P...yeah, I have no"wifey-skills" people,..=P

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