Monday, March 14, 2011

a little bubble-burst

We (those who have a job) live in a bubble here in Dublin..I personally haven't noticed or seen much sign of the financial crisis. Perhaps its because I live in the financial district, where most people have jobs and where most apartments are still pricey. But, yesterday I wandered around the city centre to do some shopping..and I noticed a boy sitting outside of Topshop (guilty as charged, I didn't do grocery shopping, that's for sure =P)..Im guessing that the boy was around 13 years old... I wondered how he ended up the streets, and I wanted to ask him,-- I really wanted to know the story behind why he had to sit there to beg for money..maybe his parents lost their job because of the crisis,,maybe they were drug addicts..or maybe he was an orphan...:s---endless theories..I couldn't get myself to ask him,,no matter how I re-phrased the question, it just seemed wrong..

the other day I gave a bag of coins to one of the gypsies, who I pass by every day on my way to work...come to think of it, I know I've seen him before...deja vu- as is said in French...I've seen him beg for money on the subway back home in Norway. I remember his face because of his eyes....crystal clear green-brown-ish eyes...after having seen that boy, I wish I gave the bag of coins to the boy instead..because the boy seemed so lonely..(and maybe he only has himself, and no one else) while the gypsies have each other,... plus.. they're supposedly involved in organized crime...either way, I thought to myself that regardless of how bad reputation the gypsies have, those who sit out on the streets to beg for money are still poor...I mean, who would voluntarily sit out on the streets to beg for money if they really didn't have to?.......but I DO wonder who the end-receiver of the money is....I hope he speaks English- the gypsy, that is- 'cause next time I see him, Im gonna ask him why he has to sit out on the streets to beg for money...

*passed by a guy who was writing on the ground..*

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