Monday, June 18, 2012

It's a Small World After all...

In 2007, I was in France for a year during my studies. After the year passed, I was pretty sure that it was unlikely that  Id meet any of the friends Id made ever again..of course, when saying our goodbyes, we all said that we should keep in touch,,and that we would meet each other again...but, for most people..thats just the social norm..thats  just what you say because its appropriate. Never did I think that I´d meet them again. Turns out that our roads would actually cross at one point anyway..=)

In 2009, a fellow classmate from the year in France made the decision to move to Norway to be with his girlfriend, who happened to be the girl I wrote the bachelor thesis with. He ended up going to the same school as I did - taking his masters--and, since he´s from the states, and education is expensive over there, I was told that his parents were sad to see him move so far, but thrilled that the tuition fee was so low. BI Norwegian School of Management (I think theyve changed their name to something else now) is actually one of the few private schools in Norway, as all other educational institutions are generally free. Anyhow, he is now enganged to her,,=) Best wishes, McKenzie and Kristine! =)

My cousin, who lives in the states, got married in 2010..there, I met up with a friend from my high-school exchange year (2003-2004). Hopey you´re still dancing your way through life, Phil ;-)...literally!

That same year, I stopped in New York for a couple of days, and another friend- who I´d gotten to know while in France - made the trip into NYC to meet up with me =) Thanks Jenny!

Late November 2010, I got an mail via LinkedIn from Google. I thought it was spam. I reached out to a friend - who Id also gotten to know while in France- as he´d recently quit his job at google to continue his studies. He confirmed that he knew the recruiter, and gave me tips for the interview. Thanks, Espen =) We ended up meeting each other again at an event that Google held for media agencies

2011..the first couple of weeks at Google was all about training, and getting to know fellow Nooglers. There, I met someone who actually looks like McKenzie. I knew that he actually had a cousin who works for Google. Turns out, his cousin was on a rotation in, I met McKenzie´s cousin in Dublin..small world, eh?

I become friends with a fellow Noogler (Ivana), and we add each other on Facebook (cause Google+ wasn't out yet =P). And there it friend in common. A guy I had gotten to know from my year in France, and she had gotten to know from a year in Sweden (I think?

Fast forward to 2012. I get a new role at work, move to Singapore and meet up with two of the girls Id gotten to know from my year in France...the odds of meeting them, I thought, was very very miniscule.

In a couple of days, I´ll meet up with another girl who (also from my year in France). She´s from the States, but now lives in Japan and will be traveling to Singapore for business. Who would´ve thought that our roads would cross.. again.....=)

Let´s keep in touch....

over and out-


  1. Hey Mi..

    I think Alexis is in Singapore too!! You guys should meet up!

    1. really? he's still here? Yeah, Ill definitely contact him =)
