Saturday, August 20, 2011

Life lessons. About Living abroad & The Terror Attack.

As long as you live, you learn. Whether you pick up on the lessons that life is trying to teach you, or not, that's a whole different hasn't changed much, yet my views and how I see things in some sense, life has changed a lot..

When you've lived in one country for the most part of your life, and then move to another, you're bound to make comparisons, and for most people there is always something that you have back home that you feel is much better than what the host country could be trivial stuff, like certain food, or it could be more basic stuff,,,like, a toilet (not even a clean one, but just...a toilet). For me, I've come to understand that the things that I miss from my home country (Norway) are true blessings...the things Norway has to offer is more luxurious than anything I can think of:
FRESH air 
Beautiful NATURE

Being surrounded by skyscrapers (i.e New York City, Hong Kong, Vegas) may be nice for a weekend or so, and modern architecture may be fascinating. But, when it comes down to it, it's all man-made. Being surrounded by beautiful nature, fresh air, and having access to purified water.....- priceless- . In my opinion, if you have easy access to this, you're rich,,and I don't mean that in monetary terms...I mean that you're blessed, because you are surrounded by the luxury that mother nature has to offer, and not what Mercedes Benz or what Chrystal has to offer.

The 22. of July 2011
A date that turned Norway 360 degrees. A rude awakening, and a lesson to learn. Come on!..when we first heard about the bombing we all assumed that it was the work of islamic radicalism, and president Barack Obama was quick to extend his personal condolences, and assured that the United States would support Norway in its investigation on the occurrences ...then, it turned out to be the action of one extreme, right-winged, caucasian, man- ---or person..- not much of a man...

The entire country was, and still is affected by what happened--and I can tell you this: of all the things that has happened in my life, I have never felt more proud to be Norwegian than now. There is a lesson to learn from this, and from everything else that happens in life. And, the way we react, and respond to such occurrences is how we portray what we have learned. Norway responded by standing united, encouraging more democracy, openness, and understanding. We all mourned for those who lost their lives...the city of slo was, and still is, covered in roses. Although the person (I'm not even going to write his name)  who caused all the harm has gotten much media attention, even more attention  has been given to the love that these occurrences has brought out in people....



  1. Where's the +1-button on this article?

  2. hehe =) you can +1 the link om the google+ page =)..but it be patient, I'll add it soon ;-)

  3. did some html-homework, and voila, the +1 button is here!=)
