Monday, May 30, 2011

The Ultimate Survival Guide: How To Kill a Spider

Do you live alone? Strongly dislike creatures with more than 4 legs..and no one close by to kill them for you? Here's a survival guide on how to remove them!!

This is what you need:

1) Something strong that will kill the sucker, without YOU having to squish them to death..this could be anything in liquid form that you can spray on the spider. I.e: highly flammable hair spray, deodorant, my anti-bacterial surface cleaner!
2) Lot's of remove the spider without feeling it's dead six-legged-body between your fingers..

Step 1: Observe target. Is it on the move? (if so, you must move quickly). If it's just hanging there (literally) then be aware that it may release more of its nasty spider "silk" and move further my case it did...

Step 2: Spray the little sucker to death!! Do NOT, I repeat, do NOT be cheap on your poison of choice...this spider fought long and hard for its life. Remember that the result may be messy.

Note to self: remove valuable items, such as: watch, before spraying all over the place. 

Step 3: take lots of toilet paper, and flush the spider down the toilet. Important: do not throw it in the trash can, as doing this  allows the probability of it climbing back out if it didn't die after your gas-attack.

 And that's IT, guys! 3 simple steps! If I can do it, YOU can do it too!! Good luck! lol =P

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Randomness,,part 2

"Discovery" of the month....did you know.... that when you brush your teeth for a longer time than what Oral-B recommends, you not only get a smile..but after a while the little fellow winks at you?...I was pretty satisfied with myself for getting an additional wink, I must say =D
Norway's national day (the 17th of May) was spent at work..but the mentality was the same as if I were to be in Norway: as much ice cream as I wanted!

Preparations for Barack's arrival...(yah, we're totally on a first-name-basis now that he's been both in Oslo, and Dublin..=P)

...Noticed this on the ground....I think they locked and screwed the manholes for Obama (security reasons)...that sounds so wrong on so many levels :-/...manhole...that's the second discovery of the's actually called manhole..seriously, check it out here.

Sunday, May 15, 2011


Look closer.....
...yup! for dolls and teddy bears =)

What a great title! Surely, no one knows why long distance can be tough?! 


the Irish way... :-/

Thursday, May 12, 2011

What is Google?

A colleague initiated a competition..6-7-year-old kids were asked what Google was, and this was the result. The winner got a stuffed Android toy, and in return,,,,we got this......:-)

For the next competition I think the kids should explain why Bing suX...=P lol

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Random day at work... =)

Meet Bob...Bob is lookin' for adventure!...
Holy Macarony!! A Google "building"!! I must climb it!

I'm on top of the woooooooorld!!!!

Oh, no! *Hold on, Bob!!!*

*hoold ooon!!*
Bob: "shit! it's pretty far down!"

Bob: *I know I can I know I can I know I can...*


Mission completed! =)

Friday, May 6, 2011

Insert Title Here

I have a theory, it goes..I believe that your music preference can say a lot about you. (ok,,maybe not a lot...but a little sumtin' sumtin' =P) ..although I'm unsure as to what it actually says about you, I really do think that music is one of those things that can reveal the deeper and more private side about you....the inner you that you unknowingly reveal to people when you share your music preferences... (yeah, it's kinda late over here, and I'm having one of those moments where I think about random if you think that's boring, then you shouldn't waste your time reading this blogpost=))...

There are some things that are just hard to WHY you like certain type of music......sure, some songs have lyrics that you may relate to, which may be the reason for why you like that song in particular..,but what about the beat, rythm, and the sound of the type of music you tend to like...? This is where my theory comes in..! =P...I believe that the kind of music you like touches you -  in one way or another- it makes you feel something, and that something is specifically tailored to you, and only you...whether it makes you dance, smile, pumped up and motivated, or it makes you think about good or bad touches you.

The good thing about your music preference is that it isn't as influenced by other people's opinion as other preferences that you may have (like what kind of clothes/style you go for, or other materialistic things...)...although you can pretend to enjoy mozart's compositions in an effort to appear more intellectual to others or what not, you can't really deceive yourself to feel or enjoy something that you really don't...

Last week my colleagues tried to convince me to buy tickets to see Swedish House Mafia with them,,,but honestly, although I really wanted to go just to socialize a bit and maybe try something new,,I just knew that it would have turned out to be one of those awkward moments where you really try to pretend that you're enjoying something just to be polite, and then people just KNOW that you don't enjoy what they are enjoying.....and it just gets I spent that Sunday doing nothing,...and it was awesome=P (not even trying to be sarcastic).'s some random picures:

A lot of girls have a thing for shoes, and I can't really say that I'm that into it..however, I do have a thing for colors, and when I saw these I had to have them...AND they're comfortable (probably not comfortable to walk around in for hours, but the few minutes I tried them on, they were really comfortable=P)  Colors make me happy =D

The one time I actually bother to cook, I cut myself..:-/ ..good thing I had band-aids...cute band aids make me happy too.....yeah, I think my real age is 5 not 25... 

Took a walk with a colleague and ended up at a pretty nice neighborhood.

Ahh...wouldn't you love coming to work if it looked like this too?  I do=)