Sunday, April 17, 2011

insomnia is the reason for this post.

Can't I guess I'll just hit the keyboard=)

My boyfriend came to visit last week and I'm a bit a shamed to say it, but that was the first time I used the kitchen - not even kidding...or actually, that's not right, I HAVE used the kitchen, I just haven't cooked anything,..I've put stuff on the kitchen my badge, and keys,,,and pretty much whatever I have in my hands that I need to put down when I've just gotten home..don't worry, there's a button on the wall that I need to switch on before anything can get heated, so there has never been any fire hazard =P..Anyhow, my boyfriend pulled things out of the kitchen cabinet, and I swear I was surprised by what I had in there (I haven't bought any kitchenware,, the landlords pretty much made sure that all the basics were covered).."WOW! Was that in there?!..or..?"...and then I just got disappointed look from my boyfriend..*shaking his head* as if he were to say "what are we gonna do with poor thing".

I forced my boyfriend to come along for a walk to go see where the ducks and swans hang out --Really! there IS a place where all the ducks and swans hang out here in Dublin! I'm pretty sure it's their official hang-out spot =P..On our way back home from the walk we discovered a little duck-family

For an itty bitty second there, I actually got annoyed at the male-duck...look at him!! totally chillaxin' and not steppin' up to his role as a father...he's waayy over there trying to ignore the crying babies,,making the female duck do all the work...what an asshole! =P

Yup..there I am, with the little duck-family =)

Here I am wondering whether the stuff on the tree were leaves or flowers...what can I say, it was dark and I wasn't wearing glasses..
                                           was flowers =)

Took my bf around for a little sightseeing tour at work..

....the relax-room at the engineer building..

..I kinda messed up when I registered him as a visitor :-/ ...apparantly, I'm the guest and he's the host=P

We went to a dog race, that was fun..Of course, it was impossible to take picturea of the dogs as they raced by, cause they were super fast!------

I read this pamphlet, and just had to take a picture of it.....only 50€ per bitch? let's go get some!! lol=P

Some pictures from february..

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