Saturday, December 3, 2011

Hooked on Jarrod Radnich & The Piano Guys

It's been a while since last post, lots of stuff is happening and has happened since last, but I'm too tired to write about that. Just wanted to share some awesome videos I found on youtube. I could watch and listen to this forever! =)

Jarrod Radnich's website is here. The Piano Guys' channel is here.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Was at the Right Place at the Right Time

And ended up here =)

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Songs on repeat nowadays

Gavin Degraw's: Don't wanna be 
Michael Bublé: Feeling Good 
Kid Kudi: Pursuit of Happiness
Yann tiersen: summer 78 remix
Tyga feat Adele: Reminded
Aloe Blacc - I Need A Dollar
Maria Mena: Mitt lille land
Diaz - Mitt Stille Vann
One Republic- Apologize 

Thursday, October 6, 2011

To The Apple Family, from Google.

"I am very, very sad to hear the news about Steve. He was a great man with incredible achievements and amazing brilliance. He always seemed to be able to say in very few words what you actually should have been thinking before you thought it. His focus on the user experience above all else has always been an inspiration to me. He was very kind to reach out to me as I became CEO of Google and spend time offering his advice and knowledge even though he was not at all well. My thoughts and Google's are with his family and the whole Apple family."

Larry Page - Originally posted on Google +

"From the earliest days of Google, whenever Larry and I sought inspiration for vision and leadership, we needed to look no farther than Cupertino. Steve, your passion for excellence is felt by anyone who has ever touched an Apple product (including the macbook I am writing this on right now). And I have witnessed it in person the few times we have met.

On behalf of all of us at Google and more broadly in technology, you will be missed very much. My condolences to family, friends, and colleagues at Apple."

Sergey Brin- Originally posted on Google +

Remembering Steve Jobs

TED Talks

A Written Kodak Moment

I'm one of those people who believe that certain things are meant to be. I believe in destiny, but I believe in the kind of destiny that you are - to a great extent - in control of, and not the kind that you have no control over... It's weird how things just seem to have fallen into place. How your thoughts turn into something actionable, or something that comes true. Exciting times, ya'll =)

 The greatest thing about working for a company like Google is this feeling right here..the excitement about the future. I'm excited about tomorrow, about the things I'm going to do, and the consequences/result of my work (not necessarily Google-work;-)) . Thoughts and ideas are continuously running through my head, and I'm trying to catch up with myself by writing it all down (not in this blog=P but, in the notebooks that I love so much...if you don't know, I have a small fetish for notebooks and pens..:-/) . Life is pretty great from where I stand, and I definitely hope I can spread this feeling in one way or another...soon, if not now ;-)

I'm slowly killing Michael Bublé's song "Feeling Good" by replaying it over, and over, and over again...but, this is the feeling I've been having pretty much everyday lately...what a great way to wake up. Waking up, playing this song, and truly feeling and agreeing with the lyrics..ah,,if only Kodak could catch this moment.....but, I guess words will have to do for now.. I can't play this song loud enough...maybe because I only have a laptop to play it on=P

I've had the time to reflect on a lot lately. And, man, how good it feels to have failed in the areas I have, in order to succeed in the areas that I have..How fun it has been to be the underdog ;-)'s all slowly falling into place, and it hasn't even started yet..this is just the beginning..the beginning of other big failures, and hopefully other- even greater- successes. Every step counts, big or small.

At times, I've envied those who are completely content and satisfied with life just the way it is,,,those who don't need or want more..who are happy in the place that they are, and have no need to strive more to reach anything, because they feel that they have reached it already, and hence are perfectly happy where they are. It's tiring to never be satisfied... To always want more out of yourself, and of course of others...but, on the other hand..I've never understood people who don't feel the need to do more, because they've supposedly done everything they wanted, and reached all the goals they've set (or maybe even didn't have/set for themselves)...but, unless you're 100 years old, and dying..I see no reason to stop.

I may have to eat my own words in 30 years from now, who knows...but, I truly hope I never reach the point where I just sit on the couch in front of my huge-ass TV, satisfied with myself because I have all the best things the material world has to offer...and stop striving. I really hope I can do better than that...the fact that I'm writing this and posting it to the public will decrease the chance of that happening..or at least that's what psychology studies, and statistics have shown..

until next time, ya'll =)

Thursday, September 8, 2011

"The Art of Being a Minority Girl"

I read a blog post written by Marijam Ghotbi, who is a candidate for the current governing party in Norway. If you understand Norwegian, you can read the blog post here. In short, she explains how tiring, or hard it is to be a minority girl in Norway (bla bla blaaa- cry me a freakn river). You thought I was gonna write about how inspiring I found the blog post to be, or how much I agree with her, huh?...NOPE!..I absolutely disagree.

Ghotbi talks about how people (Norwegians) always ask about her "friend's" background..about her family, where she's from, what she's done, whether her opinion and choices are really hers....she talks about stereotypes, and how people view "minority girls" who dress differently, and are more conservative in their behaviors..she talks about the life of a minority girl as if it were to be something that only few people could if all minority girls struggle their way through life to achieve what they want....What she fails to reckon is that everyone has to work hard to get where they want to be in life. Most, if not everyone, face judgmental behavior and are put into different stereotypical groups: you can be the snobby rich kid, who never worked a day in his/her life, the black dude, the white guy, the tall amazon-german-lookin' chick, the nerd...etc.

Ghotbi is so consumed with being the minority-chick-who-had-to-work-so-hard (because she is a minority girl) -to-get-where-she-is-in-life-and-in-politics, that she fails to realize that she is just like EVERYONE ELSE, and no different - except from the color of her skin, maybe. You're not special if you're a minority girl in Norway, stop whining. And, start appreciating the curiosity of the Norwegian people. At least they - I say they, as if am not one myself,,,but you know what I mean=P - are interested in knowing more about you, where you came least they care enough to give you minutes of their time to get to know YOU. NOT necessarily your ethnicity alone, but YOU as a person. The ethnicity part is just a teeny-tiny part that makes you- you, but it doesn't define you. So stop acting like it's so hard to be a minority's equally as hard to be a minority girl, as it is to be an Ethnic Norwegian girl in Norway; we all face different challenges.

The title of Ghotbi's blog post is (directly translated) : "the art of being a minority girl". * Tuhh!!* (that was me spitting, by the way)...Paah-leaase...I hope she wrote that title with an inch of sarcasm, cause there is no art to being a minority girl, it's true, I looked it up! =P

art 1 |ärt|
1 the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power : the art of the Renaissance | great art is concerned with moral imperfections | she studied art in Paris.
works produced by such skill and imagination : his collection of modern art | an exhibition of Tibetan art | [as adj. ] an art critic.
creative activity resulting in the production of paintings, drawings, or sculpture : she's good at art.
2 ( the arts) the various branches of creative activity, such as painting, music, literature, and dance : the visual arts | [in sing. ] the art of photography.
3 ( arts) subjects of study primarily concerned with the processes and products of human creativity and social life, such as languages, literature, and history (as contrasted with scientific or technical subjects) : the belief that the arts and sciences were incompatible | the Faculty of Arts.
4 a skill at doing a specified thing, typically one acquired through practice : the art of conversation.

Being a minority girl doesn't require skills. You can be dumb as a rock (cause rocks are pretty dumb, you know.. :-P) and still be a minority girl. Ok, ok,,,so I'm taking it too literally.. But, my opinion is - and you're only going to get my opinion in this blog, by the way,  and my opinion will always rule here because this is MY blog =P - that Ghotbi is confusing the art of being a successful and hard-working PERSON (and all that it implies), regardless of sex and race- with being a minority girl.

And that's all I have to say about that!

Until next time ;-)

Monday, September 5, 2011


I'm not one of those highly culturally intelligent people who read loads of shakespeare (did I even spell that right?) Ibsen, and..oh, you know the rest,,those important writers whose books we were forced to read when we we're in high school. However, I do have a favorite poem =)


TWO roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.......

Robert Frost (1874–1963)

Sunday, August 28, 2011

purchase of the day

I have a fetish for pens and notebooks,and one of the few things I miss about going to school is taking not talking about the part where you're in lectures and try to pay attention to what the professor says while also taking simply talking about the writing-part....ahh,i love pens and notebooks..i know,im sucha nerd:-)
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Saturday, August 20, 2011

Life lessons. About Living abroad & The Terror Attack.

As long as you live, you learn. Whether you pick up on the lessons that life is trying to teach you, or not, that's a whole different hasn't changed much, yet my views and how I see things in some sense, life has changed a lot..

When you've lived in one country for the most part of your life, and then move to another, you're bound to make comparisons, and for most people there is always something that you have back home that you feel is much better than what the host country could be trivial stuff, like certain food, or it could be more basic stuff,,,like, a toilet (not even a clean one, but just...a toilet). For me, I've come to understand that the things that I miss from my home country (Norway) are true blessings...the things Norway has to offer is more luxurious than anything I can think of:
FRESH air 
Beautiful NATURE

Being surrounded by skyscrapers (i.e New York City, Hong Kong, Vegas) may be nice for a weekend or so, and modern architecture may be fascinating. But, when it comes down to it, it's all man-made. Being surrounded by beautiful nature, fresh air, and having access to purified water.....- priceless- . In my opinion, if you have easy access to this, you're rich,,and I don't mean that in monetary terms...I mean that you're blessed, because you are surrounded by the luxury that mother nature has to offer, and not what Mercedes Benz or what Chrystal has to offer.

The 22. of July 2011
A date that turned Norway 360 degrees. A rude awakening, and a lesson to learn. Come on!..when we first heard about the bombing we all assumed that it was the work of islamic radicalism, and president Barack Obama was quick to extend his personal condolences, and assured that the United States would support Norway in its investigation on the occurrences ...then, it turned out to be the action of one extreme, right-winged, caucasian, man- ---or person..- not much of a man...

The entire country was, and still is affected by what happened--and I can tell you this: of all the things that has happened in my life, I have never felt more proud to be Norwegian than now. There is a lesson to learn from this, and from everything else that happens in life. And, the way we react, and respond to such occurrences is how we portray what we have learned. Norway responded by standing united, encouraging more democracy, openness, and understanding. We all mourned for those who lost their lives...the city of slo was, and still is, covered in roses. Although the person (I'm not even going to write his name)  who caused all the harm has gotten much media attention, even more attention  has been given to the love that these occurrences has brought out in people....


Friday, August 19, 2011

*cough cough*

I bought this bottle of cognac for the Tiramisu-and-nail-polish-girls'- night I had with some of my colleagues a while ago..was gonna repeat the event, but when my boyfriend was here a couple of days ago,he sort of emptied (almost) the bottle...and now that im sick and coughing my lungs out, Im thinkin'...screw it, I already have a whisky-voice now,might as well finish it off with some cognac in me tea..can't get any worse,right? ;-)
Published with Blogger-droid v1.7.4

Thursday, August 18, 2011


If you follow any fashion blogs, you know that there's always posts about the blogger's newest purchase...a new purse, sweater, new dress...etc...well, I bought something new too, and apparently I'm so excited about it that I have to share it with the world..=P

1) A dishwasher-sponge thing where you fill the handle with soap..amazing! (---although, I haven't tried it yet, but the idea is cool, lol)...2) Flushable toilet wipes...pretty amazing =P--- 3)and insect spray..not so amazing, but I kinda realized that using half a bottle of antibac surface cleaner becomes kinda expensive after a while (that's approximately 2,50€ per insect killed)...

I did buy something else than dishwater sponges, and toilet wipes this summer, though. My first Mulberry =) The quality of the camera on my phone kinda sucks, so the color isn't accurate here, but it'll have to do. Like I've mentioned before, I'm a sucker for bright and happy colors so I couldn't resist getting this one. 

Having done a bit of damage before my vacation even started, I felt kinda bad buying this. But, then again, at this point of my life I really don't have any commitments that require that I save huge chunks of money. I save a little here and there, add some more to my first-home savings account, and go crazy with the rest! Hey, I live and work in gloomy Dublin, and my family, friends, and boyfriend are miles away..I gotta take care of myself somehow!=P

Monday, August 8, 2011

Back from Summer Vacation

Ok, so right after I say that I'm gonna blog more often, I go on a three-week-vacation =P Tell you what,  I'm not one of those fashion bloggers who actually make a living out of this, so I only write when I'm inspired (aka, when I feel like it=P).

A short summary of how life has changed since last time...

My sister got married

Then I went on a roadtrip with my sister and her husband (omg...huuusband), my cousin from the States and her husband, and my boyfriend..oh,my brother, and David from Australia, who is my sister's husband's cousin came along too =)



I don't remember the name of this tunnel, but in the middle og the tunnel, it's lit like this...pretty neat =) 

Jostedalsbreen/ the Jostedal glacier

with happy cows wandering around the area

Taco for dinner, yum!
On or way back to Oslo, we heard about the bombing...and then a little later..about the killings at Utøya.

After the roadtrip, we were home for a day, or maybe two--can't remember..then the same crew (except from David) went to Egypt. 

the hotel

The guys

the three musketerettes

At one point I got sick...threw up and was nauseated almost the entire day we were in Cairo..couldn't keep the food down, but had to eat something...thank god for the Swedish Wasa crisps that my sister and her husband had brought with them from norway, and of course..Norwegian caviar.

cheezy..yeah, i know.-

Me and Nina...boarding the plane or our way back to Oslo

After Egypt, we were in Oslo for a day, then headed on the DFDS "cruise" to Copenhagen.

And with that,,we ended our summer vacation...back to my parents' house for a night..and then we all went back to our daily lives again the day after,,

Vinnie, and Nina,,,we'll meet again in Asia next year ;-) Looking forward to it already.