Sunday, January 31, 2010

In search of the perfect cucumber- value for money-

I didn't realize how it was to truly live like a student until earlier today. Sure, I've studied a year in France, and had to feed myself and clean my own clothes. But, there's something about living on your own, in your own country that gives it a little bit of a different feel to it. I feel like I have to save more money now than I did when I lived in France....I mean, who saves money while studying in France anyway? You shop all you can before you go back..and then the logic is that; although you weren't so careful with your money while studying a broad, you at least managed to bring back clothes that you wouldn't be able to get in your own country. Value for money in France meant purchasing stuff that you couldn't get in Norway....value for money (when you live alone) in Norway is way more, it means purchasing the perfect vegetable....:s

I went grocery shopping earlier, and found myself spending quite some time in search for the "perfect/biggest" cucumber. When the price isn't based on weight, but on per piece (of vegetable) you buy, you bet I'm gonna try to get value for money.,,..yeah,,,there I stood, for about 5 minutes,,,looking for the "perfect" does a perfect cucumber look like, you might ask?...Well, in my mind it should be somewhat equally large from beginning to other words, it should be proportionate............I didn't find the perfect cucumber..felt stupid when I realized how retarded I must have looked while I stood there digging through the pile of cucumbers....I just had to accept that cucumbers are like people...they're not perfect..and they're certainly not proportionate.

--And that was the lesson of the day...:P


  1. hey, this made me laugh lol seems like living alone in Norway dosen't sound so great :-P

  2. Wow, I didnt't see your comment until fun that people are reading it without me knowing alone is great, living in NOrway is as exciting as living in other countries,,but at least my friends and family are close =)

    What are you up to nowadays?
