Sunday, January 31, 2010

In search of the perfect cucumber- value for money-

I didn't realize how it was to truly live like a student until earlier today. Sure, I've studied a year in France, and had to feed myself and clean my own clothes. But, there's something about living on your own, in your own country that gives it a little bit of a different feel to it. I feel like I have to save more money now than I did when I lived in France....I mean, who saves money while studying in France anyway? You shop all you can before you go back..and then the logic is that; although you weren't so careful with your money while studying a broad, you at least managed to bring back clothes that you wouldn't be able to get in your own country. Value for money in France meant purchasing stuff that you couldn't get in Norway....value for money (when you live alone) in Norway is way more, it means purchasing the perfect vegetable....:s

I went grocery shopping earlier, and found myself spending quite some time in search for the "perfect/biggest" cucumber. When the price isn't based on weight, but on per piece (of vegetable) you buy, you bet I'm gonna try to get value for money.,,..yeah,,,there I stood, for about 5 minutes,,,looking for the "perfect" does a perfect cucumber look like, you might ask?...Well, in my mind it should be somewhat equally large from beginning to other words, it should be proportionate............I didn't find the perfect cucumber..felt stupid when I realized how retarded I must have looked while I stood there digging through the pile of cucumbers....I just had to accept that cucumbers are like people...they're not perfect..and they're certainly not proportionate.

--And that was the lesson of the day...:P

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Random: 100% Orange & Toasted SpongeBob

Read a sticker on this orange saying "100% Orange"...wait wait...if THIS orange has a sticker saying that it's 100% orange, then what the hell has been in the other orange-looking stuff I've been eating? :P...

I like my toast extra toasted...and preferably one that leaves a spongeBob print.....I'm living like a real student now..toast for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.. :P

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Please do not leave dried pee-marks on my toilet. THANK YOU =)

This student apartment is renovated...everything is new,,love it=)...The problem, however, is that not everything is done yet, like: the doorbell isn't working yet, there's no shower head in my shower, which means that I can't shower..etc. But, I'm a little bit too excited to be on my own to stress out about it. I went to the gym earlier, worked out a bit and took a shower there..where there is a will, there is always a way ;) ..Because everything isn't done yet, it means that electricians etc have access to my apartment. It's a bit of a creepy thought, but I expect them to be professional and not look through my stuff/steal it while there here. However, you can't expect workers to work at your place without allowing them to do their thing when nature calls....

The other day I gave the keys to the apartment to my boyfriend so that he could help me get some stuff in here. When I got back I saw that the toilet seat was up, and I sent him an SMS, jokingly saying that I know that a man has used my bathroom, because the toilet seat is up. To my surprise, he told me that he, nor his friend, had used it:s-----so, it has to be one of those construction workers/electricians. I inspected the toilet and noticed yellow marks of dry urine......UGHhh,,naaaasty...and I haven't even gotten the chance to buy stuff to clean the toilet with..I took some toilet paper, water, and some soap from the kitchen and cleaned it up....Since the shower head isn't at its place yet, I know they'll be back.. I plan to stick a note above my toilet, saying:

"Go ahead and use the toilet. But, please do not leave dried urine on my toilet. PS! A woman lives here, thus, please put down the toilet seat after use. THANK YOU=)"

....of course, I can't really do that...the guy who peed here in the first place might invite all his coworkers to come and pee all over my place...:s....

-to be continued-