Sunday, July 29, 2012

Seen at the MRT (subway)

Ladies....if you have junk in the trunk...please, do not lean against a pole like this,,,not pretty, ya'll,,not pretty at all!

Business Attire: 
0920 am. Lady to the left - in leopard- going to lady in red, also going to work -I presume. 

Sightseeing with the family

 My my and little sister


Friday, July 27, 2012

Vietnam in Pictures

Much to write about, but too tired, and too lazy, so im attaching some pictures instead.

Didnt have too much time to take pictures while working in Saigon, and to be honest- during my two vacation days (+weekend) at my grandma's house in Biên Hòa, we didn't go anywhere, or do much...just stayed at her place, and played with the neighbour's puppies.

My Sister playing cards with our cousins..I think they were hustlin her =P

More dogs..the brown one in the background is called "No", and the little one "Bông"- which means "flower"..even though its a male

Taking a stroll around the neighbourhood.

That's the mother of the little puppies. The day after this picture was taken, the dog (mother) was stolen /kidnapped(!!!) from the neighbour :-( presumably for dog meat....the cruelty leaves me speechless..

My older sister

My sister's husband

Bakery...M-Mmm ... oh the cleanliness in Vietnam, what can I say...=P

Common sight during dinner time. Make no mistake, guys, these animals are spoiled! They only eat good meat that my grandma picks out of her own rice bowl, and refuse to eat anything my grandmother will often end up just eating rice and some vegetables.

The side-alley of my grandmother's house,,

Durian fest! =P

Sooo darn cute!

From my grandmother's place, to the hotel room in Saigon,,an upgrade for sure.

View from the hotel room

Screw burgers and steak..this is definitely the best room srevice food Ive had in my LIFe! Phở and gỏi cuốn....M-MMMm!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Singapore- random stuff.

I enjoy taking the MRT in much to see..If there's one thing I've noticed here, it is that the ladies are really dressed up for work. I mean, really dressed up...sometimes, I feel like they've dressed for the wrong occasion, though. I've often seen ladies where stuff that I could where to someone's wedding...and then,  there are outfits I've seen where I'd only where to clubs...

I see a lot of men in suits..and just a note (or two....=P)  to all men out there wearing suits:

1) Iron your shirt...actually, iron everything! - just make sure what you're wearing isn't wrinkly. If you're wearing a suit, then make an effort to make it presentable, dang it!!  If it's gonna be wrinkly, then don't bother wearing it.

2) make sure that it fits properly. If it doesn't fit. Don't even bother wearing it..

Saw this guy carrying food in this carrier, and I imagined how his wife had spent time preparing this for sweet! (If my story is correct, that 

People on the phone @ the secretive..almost as if I was surrounded by,,,

undercover agents! =P

Got haircut at a Korean place, and they wanted to sign me up to a contest where I could win a trip to Korea....wait wait..a RETURN ticket to Korea to be specific...I was very clear on the fact that I didn't wanna win a one-way trip to Korea, so I kindly declined..

origami at work.

End-of -second-quarter  event..

Sea-weed snacks...funky...we "only" had chocolate and chips in dublin =P

End of quarter hang-out with the team @ Singapore Cricket Club.

Friday night BBQ - with a view ;-)

the fun thing about being friends a real estate agent here, is to be able to come with and check out some cool apartments. I see it as an opportunitity to visualise how the  future dream home should look like...maybe not a dream house in Singapore..but in general...its almost like the dream becomes more tangible...some people feel the need to be politically correct when answering the question of what their wants, and dreams  are for the future....they say money and materialistic stuff isn't of importance...well, I say- if you do a hella good job, and manage to monetize the work you produce properly..then you can have it all...and if you can have it all, then why settle for less?

In comparison to other pools in bigger condos, the one belonging to my apartment building seems like a joke...was gonna take a dip in the pool on sunday, but  the thunder and lightning kinda scared the crap out It might not rain alot here, but when it REALLY rains..