Saturday, March 24, 2012

To my True Friends- My childhood friends.

A year has passed since I moved over here. And, I'm gonna go ahead and use the very cliché sentence that people use too often...but, this year has passed by so fast!

 Since moving here, my childhood friend (since toddler years)- who happens to be my best friend- got married,,,so did my older sister, who's also my best friend, by the way=) Then, as 2011 was about to end, two of my other childhood friends- who are also my best friends, got engaged.....I don't have a huge group of girls that I'm a part of, and hang out with. But, I've realized that I actually have more close friend than most people have. I think most people have one, or maybe two people in their life who they can confide in, who aren't their relatives, who they can trust, and truly care about. I have 4, and no- they're not relatives..they're just really good friends =) Quality over quantity, right?

We're so different...same same, but different. Two of them are  atheists. They became that over the past is catholic- at least more catholic than me (hah!)- and the other chick..she's so politically correct that whenever I've asked the question of religion, I don't ever think I've gotten a clear answer, just a diplomatic and politically correct correct that she completely made me forget what I was asking,,lol. One is getting close to her final years of her studies to become a psychologist...and, I'm not talking about the weak kind...(the three year course of basic psychology (=P))  ..Im talking about the hardcore 6 (or was it 7?) years of education and praxis..the other one is taking her doctorate degree in human geography (I think that's what it translates to). The catholic chick is a dentist. And, the last girl is a social scientist, working for the department of health and human services. It's hard not to be impressed and proud of that, don't you think? I think we did pretty well girls!..We may not have been the hottest, and coolest chicks in town..but I'm pretty sure we remember it differently..hahah!

If it's one thing I've learned to become sensitive to, it's how I feel when I'm with someone. If I feel good when I'm around someone, then I'll keep them in my life..if I don't, then it's very easy for me to let people step out of my life. I can't be bothered to  please everyone, or make people like me,,I just can't be bothered. Think of it like this: what is the added value of having person X in your life? Will he/she make your life more fun, or just add crap and BS to your life? If it's the latter, lett'em go. The time you spent getting to know them  - sunk cost . Get rid of them, you'll be so much better off.

As people start settling down, I get a bit stressed and wonder if that's what I'm supposed to do too. But, then the sensible part of me kicks in and, and reassures me that I'm not supposed to force myself to do anything I'm not ready for. I'm supposed to be right here where I am.. at this moment :) I'm restless, get easily bored, and I'm ready for a change in environment again. It's exciting to think about the changes I want in my life, but scary too. A couple of weeks ago I called my two best friends, saying that I wasn't sure  I could make it to their wedding this summer if things go my way - workwise. I don't want to become that know, the person who worked too much,,so much that she forgot the important things in life,,the important if anything, this post is a hail to my friends. My real friends... not the 577 "friends" I have on facebook.

Distance has proven who my true friends are. To the three of you- thanks for the 19 years of my Tott..thanks for the 26 years of friendship (yeah, guys,,we really WERE close when we were babies too,,,I have pictures to prove that..=P). Thanks for being understanding, and patient. Thanks for being honest and awesome. And thanks for being in my life. And, Linda....happy birthday=)

See you soon girls!


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