Saturday, October 25, 2014

Chowder and Kimchi

Recently, Chuma and I went to the Maldives and, as sad as it sounds, we were pretty excited about the selection of quality TV channels we had in the room. Here in Singapore, we only have the most basic package from Mio, which consist mainly of news channels....I mean- really- all kinds of news channels! (DW, -Deutche Weld, RT- Russia Today, CNA- channel news Asia...and the list goes on). So, needless to say, we would scan through all of the channels that the hotel had to offer. And, very often, we would stop at Cartoon Network...not because it was good entertainment. But, because it was SO weird, disturbing...and, just, mind boggling!

Here's an example (I HAD to take a picture of the TV screen, 'cause I wasn't sure if  anyone would believe me if I told them about it, lol).

Meet Kimchi.... (that's right,, you read it right; KIMCHI! lol). Kimchi is a brown colored stink cloud, who spends his/her nights in this cage. In the mornings, Kimchi is released from its cage - actually, Kimchi lets him/herself out....'cause,'s a "cloud"........... in a cage...

When Kimchi is out of its cage, all it spends its time doing is fart in people's faces!, the entire episode that Chuma and I watched was mainly about Kimchi's "farts", and its friend named Chowder, who is the main character , and also the name of the TV show, by the way.

What are kids watching nowadays? Oh,  and here's the best part.. This show has won a prime time Emmy award!.... The plot of each episode is so bizarre.. I seriously think the writers were on crack or something when they wrote this. I've never tried any kind of drug, but I'm convinced that you'd have to be on drugs to write about the story of Chowder,  and his stink-cloud-pet-friend named Kimchi, which - for the record - is considered a delicacy in Korea.... Lol

Friday, October 3, 2014

NGFs and Stuff...

Tomorrow -or, should I say "today", since it's 04:16 AM over here- will be my last day at last T.G.I.F ("Thank Google it's Friday"-  a day of the week where Larry Page and Sergey Brin themselves share business updates, and Googlers can ask questions related to company issues. This event is shown live globally via Google Hangout...but, of course, for a lot of Googlers who aren't based in Mountain View, TGIF is mainly about catching up with fellow Googlers over free alcohol,  and finger food).

If there's one thing I know for sure after having worked for Google, it must be the fact that it definitely has not prepared me for the so called "real world". Don't get me wrong, I don't mean thatI won't be equipped with great knowledge once I'm out of Google. What I mean is that my expectation and idea of what comprises a normal company culture will probably be completely off; From the "small things" that Google offers, such as free food (& alcohol on Fridays), to bigger things that affect feelings of autonomy in the work place, such as freedom to plan my own day,  and -as trivial as it sounds- freedom to wear absolutely whatever I want to work...those are just the few things that are perceived as normal at Google, but that I know isn't a given in other companies.

I remember that my cousin once commented: " I can't believe you're allowed to wear pink pants to work! ", which to me was such a weird comment. Why shouldn't I be able to wear pink pants to work? What does that have to do with anything? But, of course, I know that a lot of companies have a dress code, and that wearing pink pants in "the real world" doesn't exactly exude professionalism...

After 3.5 years with Google, where I've pretty much had no  NGFs (Non-Googler-Friends) - that's right, there's actually an abbreviation for that ! You think I'm joking, but I'm really not.. even my boyfriend became a Googler eventually, lol - it's definitely going to be weird to go back to "normal", where there is somewhat of a balance in time spent with friends from work, vs. non-work friends...

My mind is a  bit all over the place at this point, so, sorry for the  rant...but, this is all slowly starting to sink in with me, and I'm alternating between panic, anxiety, and excitement:

HOLy Fudge, did I really resign?!... 

How will life be like A.G (after Google)?! 

...I can't wait to join the new company!

Ok. So, I know that, in the big scheme of things (life),  this change may seem insignificant compared to what others may be going through in life at the know,  such as... re-producing and stuff (aka, having kids). But, I'm not at that stage in my life, yet. So, for now, please bare with me while I rant about random things :)  ...

Anyhow, I should probably try to get some sleep now.

Until next time!

Monday, September 29, 2014

My Last Week with GOOGLE

This upcoming week marks my last week with Google (whaaat?!...yeah, I's true!). I handed in my resignation about 3 weeks ago, and as crazy as it sounds, I'm very excited about the decision, and the upcoming changes.

When I got the job at Google (Dublin) over 3 years ago, I couldn't ever imagine that I one day would want to leave. Google is constantly ranked as one of the top companies to work for. And,  the free food that the company offers, I mean..come on, who doesn't like free food? Or, free anything for that matter... =P

I was planning to write a longer blog post, but since it IS 2:45 AM on my side of the world, and I do still  have to show up for work tomorrow, I think I'll stop here. The last time I posted something on this blog was over ONE year ago (I know, I suck at this,,,but, I keep on telling myself that I shouldn't force myself to write,,,that I need to be "inspired", and that if I forced myself to write at least once a week, then it would negatively impact the quality of the content....oh, the lies I tell myself, hehe).

Consider this blog post as a bit of a teaser to get your attention..and, to the few readers who have actually subscribed to my blog ( all 8 of you, to be, stay tuned! I'm back! =)

To Be Continued..