Thursday, May 2, 2013

If You Won a Bilion Dollars, Would You Quit Your Job?

I recently watched an old episode of Ellen Degeneres show, where she asked the audience to raise their hand if they'd quit their job had they won a billion dollars. Most of the people in the audience would..And, although it's probably the case with most people, I find that kind of sad....- going through life with a job that you only have for the sake of money, and not enjoying it to the point where you'd still work and do the exact same thing as you do right now, even if you won a gazillion dollars.

If I won a billion dollars, would I quit my job? ..............Heck yeah, I would!! You probably were getting ready to hate me, 'cause you thought I was gonna come with a cliche answer of how much I love my job, and how I'd never quit, huh?  The truth is that, even though Google an awesome company to work for, I still haven't found my dream job....I don't know what that would be.....
actually, it would be fun to be paid to blog. But, I wouldn't want any constraints on what topic I could, or could not, write about - imagine that; being paid to share your random thoughts! That would actually be somethin' ;-)...but, I dunno if that's my dream

I attended a work related conference not too long ago, where the big guys were present. I looked around me, as we were all excited about the speakers...and all I could think about was the minions from the movie Despicable Me.  There is a part in the movie where Mr.Gru gathers his minions for a meeting.....that's how it was like to be at the conference (strike out the "evil" undertone of Dr.Gru, lol! ..I'm talking about the excitement, and the thrill around being a part of something so big, so innovative,...the google family..)...but, then it also struck me: hey, I'm a minion! At the end of the day, I'm not supporting my own dreams in life. I mean, a part of my "dreams"  was to be able to see different parts of the world while working, but the whole sharing- the-world's-information-and-making-it accessible-to-all  is not my idea, not my invention, and not my dream...basically, I'm supporting Larry Page, and Sergey's dream. In all fairness, if there is any dream and vision I'd like to support, it is theirs. But, I haven't found my dream job yet, guys...

And, I'll leave it at that :) Until next time...