Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Unemployed and Sick, and sick of being un-employed.

I thought this was going to be a fun process..the applying-for-a-job-getting a call-in for interview- and-get-the-job-process.....but, so far, nothing. This may sound silly, but I have always gotten the job I applied for...of course, it was all part-time jobs, but I always got them..every single job I've applied for, I've gotten. After I finished my bachelor degree in international marketing, I even got a job offer as a real estate agent,despite the fact that I had no experience or education within real estate....but the real estate market during summer 2008 wasn't really a good one, and I took my boss' advice (AKA, my dad) and declined the offer. Good thing I did, cause I don't think I would have been able to keep my job under those economic circumstances..

...I love the interview process, I enjoy having to convince people that I'm up for the challenge,,,maybe because the convincing-part is what I do on a daily basis,.I convince myself that I can do certain things, and reach certain goals...if I reallly want do, I can do it..that's my motto, I guess you could say... Henry Ford said it better:

"Whether you think you can, or you think you can't, you're right".

For the most part I think I can.,.but now I'm kinda on my way to the bottom. I haven't hit rock bottom yet, and I believe it's a far way from where I stand and rock bottom..but career/job-wise, I think this is as low as I've ever been..Of course Im gonna get a job eventually, and Im going to be working for the rest of my life, so I don't really need to stress out about it,,,but I HATE loosing...and for every application I've sent out and heard nothing from, I feel a sense of loss. People say one shouldn't aim too high when you apply for your first job, but guess what: I didn't go to a private school in Norway for 5 years to get a mediocre job. Of course you need experience to get where you really wanna be, but something bothers me when people tell me to expect less....
Whatever happened to the spirit we had when we were kids? When most the girls wanted to be a ballerina, or a princess..and the boys...well,,I kinda don't know what the boys wanted to brother once wanted to be a priest, but when we asked him again later on he had changed his mind, and no longer wanted to be a priest...he wanted to be GOD...LOL..God bless him, cause he was the cutest little boy when he was younger. And being God is definitely better than just being a Priest...priests have such a bad reputation anyways,,,,especially the catholic ones :P.....I don't want to "grow up" when it comes to being ambitious...having dreams, and daydreaming about things that almost seem impossible to reach, or do. I don't know whether that makes me an optimist or what not, but I see the glass as half-empty and call myself a realist with ambition.

Onto something else...I've been sick for over a month now...not sick as in throwing up, but I've had a cold since mid May, coughing a lot with a stuffy nose..I thought it would pass eventually, but it never did and still hasn't. It wasn't until my ribs started to hurt, that I finally gave in and went to the doctor. Turns out that I've managed to fracture my ribs after coughing so much. I didn't get anything for it...just advice to buy some pain killers...and at the end of doctor's appointment she the asked me: "are you paying with a card, or with cash"? care in Norway is essentially free, and the amount you pay when you see your doctor is pretty much a symbolic one,,,but there's something non-health-care-ish about a doctor when he/she asks for the payment right after the session...I don't know how it is in other places in oslo/norway...but where I went, the doctors all had a little card-transaction-thingie (I don't know what you call it), you pay in the doctor's was so surreal!! I'm used to going out to the reception and pay there..and even though the fee is the same,,,it just feels different to pay in the doctor's office,,,,it makes the doctor appear like a sales-man/woman,,,getting paid for each patient that enters the office,,,and the faster you get the patient outta there, the quicker you can move onto the next and make more money....I'm sure they changed it so that there won't be a super long line at the reception.....but, I would actually rather stay in line, and keep my respect for doctors, than what I feel about them now...besides..Im still coughing, my ribs still hurt, and now my right lung hurts when I breathe and it hurts even worse when I cough...the doctor looked ar the symptoms, but never once questioned the source for why my ribs were hurting...Ive been coughing for over a month and never once did she question that fact...anyhow,,,Im heading back to see another doctor on Friday..hopefully I'll be cured soon...=)

Until next time..

Thursday, June 3, 2010

How does a typical Vietnamese person look like?

Im at work and a customer just came in,,she looked around, and out of no where she asked me: are you half? (meaning half Asian, and half..something else...) I said "no". Then she asked me where I was from, and I said "Vietnam". She then said: you don't look vietnamese, you look half something...both of your parents are Vietnamese? I replied "yes", and she kept on.."I'M Vietnamese..YOU don't look Vietnamese..anyhow, thanks, bye!"..and then she left the store...

the incident made me think about how everyone has different conceptions of what a typical Vietnamese person looks like...or what a typical any-kind-of-nationality looks see, to me, the woman who came in looked Chinese..and I, I look Vietnamese,..are you one of those people who think they can tell the difference between a Chinese, and a Vietnamese person? Can you tell the difference between a Swede/Danish person from a Norwegian?..If so,, DO tell me how you do it, cause it intrigues me how people just KNOW that I'm NOT Vietnamese, or that I just MUST be Vietnamese..